Cloud Implementations
Cloud Implementations such as Salesforce CRM, e-Commerce solutions, Salesforce Order Management System and SAP ERP Solutions
Technologies Used
Rich UI/UX & Complex Desktop App Development Angular js, React js, BootStrap, Knockout Js, HTML5 & CSS5
Technology Services
SOA and Distributed Application Development Web Services, Window Services, WCF, ASP.NET Web API and Restful Services
Visual Experience
Enhanced UX and Experience portals using LWC, AURA and VF Components
Scalability & Services
Secure, Scalable & Performance optimistic Web Development, Java, ASP.NET, MVC, ASP.NET
Data Integration Services
Other Technical Competencies
This specialized knowledge and skills required to effectively perform tasks in specific technical areas. These include proficiency in various tools, technologies, and methodologies that drive innovation and enable efficient problem-solving across industries.